Turning the labels around

It shouldn't be so hard to be a sustainable consumer.

I look at the labels of everything I buy. I have a whole system that I use to help me make what I hope are the right choices for me, society and the environment. But every few months I get annoyed. Why do I need to put in all this extra work? Take eggs (a key ingredient in hot crust buns). Apparently, eggs have more eco-labels than any other product. I used to use an app that told me how “good” my eggs were, basically how many hens per hectare. The app was recently retired so now I am back to doing this research myself. What if the companies needed to tell you what they were doing wrong instead of right? So, the carton would say “eggs from chickens raised in subpar conditions”. Then as a consumer I could just go out and buy eggs (or any other products).

+ Here is a very Simple Guide to Making More Sustainable Choices as a Consumer. What tools do you use to make more sustainable choices as a consumer?

(List #40)Sustainable Food
A hot cross bun inspired list looking at sustainable food in the curriculum, on campus and in research.